Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reminiscence :)

Amidst all the parties and socialising, programming books and facebook, the heartbreaks and the gossip, the bunked lectures and attendance shortages, you can’t say that college hasn’t changed you even a little! Bathing and sleep lose their importance, friends and their needs become the priority. The closer you get to graduating, the more your heart wants to say “Arrey, bhad mein jaye duniya.” From the value of last minute studying just the night before to what a life savoir a packet of maggi can be on a long sleepless night, college has taught me A LOT. Here are the five very important lessons of life I learnt here!

      1. Before coming so far far away from my cozy red bedroom, I used to think living by myself in the big bad world, away from my family would be the best thing ever. My freedom, my rules, no questions asked! Sounded like heaven! Now I wonder, “what was I thinking?!” Mom was always there to wake me up! If I had an errand to run or a friend to meet, there would always be a chauffeur driven car waiting at the gate. When I returned home mom would have dinner ready! And now, I have to rely on my unreliable alarm clock, worry about my next meal (the month ends being a nightmare!), clean my room, do my dishes, no shopping with mommy’s credit card AND do my own laundry. How hard it is to know that I can’t just walk across the hall and spill whatever’s bothering me and know that everything will be taken care of. Now I would happily exchange my ‘freedom’ for my family and the washing machine!
       2. I truly learnt the value of money HERE. Man, how hard it is to not be a whiny boy who gets everything they want! Every third day I wake up wishing I had "Bill Gates" bank balance! After coming here and being given a monthly allowance I learnt to truly appreciate how hard it is to earn every rupee and how much harder it is to not spend it on every frivolous whim!
       3.Everyone’s blindly looking for love! I know so many people who say that they don’t have time for love, or are not willing to share their ‘personal space’ just yet, they’re all just kidding themselves. Truth is, everyone’s looking for that one person who’ll fill the colour in their rainbows and carry them off to their happily ever after. Everyone is scared of loneliness and everyone dreads being left behind. All of us want to be loved and want someone to claim that we’re the reason for their smile.
      4. This one I learnt the hard way-how hard it is to be truly happy! Seems so trivial when I say it out loud, but it’s so true! Every day is a new struggle and everyone’s just trying to be happy in their own space, in their own twisted way. And it’s incredibly hard, if you ask me. But the biggest truth of all, it’s always ME first for everyone, not in a spiteful way, mind you, it’s just how we were wired.
      5. The last one’s a little sad actually, but equally true-How hard it is to keep in touch! All those promises we made in school, all the ‘we’ll be best friends for ever okay’ and the ‘we’ll talk everyday NO MATTER WHAT’ all seem like a lifetime ago! Not like I didn’t mean it then, just seems like these promises were made by this immature version of me who had no idea what was coming. There are times I think about my friends and wish I could fill them in on every tiny detail, but it’s all so much of an effort and with so much already going on, it just seems impossible.
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have learnt any of these if I studied back at home, living my comfortable and protected life, but I can’t deny that there aren’t days when I just want to leave everything in exchange for mom’s cooking and to play on the ps3 with my big brother. Why oh why was I in such a hurry to grow up! What I would give to go back.......



  1. Brilliant post. Summarizes what I'm feeling.

    We've got a diamond in the rough!
    Blog more often, will you?
